Breaking News
Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Info Post

My husband, Jeremy, and I will be celebrating our 1 year wedding anniversary coming up on June 4th. To help celebrate, I thought it would be fun to do a week-long series starting on May 28th looking back through our wedding and share with you all the tips and tricks we used to save money and the MANY do-it-yourself projects we did! Boy, if I had this little blog back then I would have enough posts to fill a year from our wedding alone!

Wedding Week The Look IMG_8643 Edit

Here's a preview of what you'll get to see during Wedding Week:

Day 1: The Invitations
Day 2: The Look
Day 3: The Decorations
Day 4: The Ceremony
Day 5: The Cake
Day 6: The Memories
Day 7: The Honeymoon

Don't miss any of the Love Grows Wild Wedding Week!



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