ph: hypnogen + weheartit

cute quotes happiness, wallpaper with cute quotes, miss loving you quotes, love u images with quotes, cute quotes for status
ph: hypnogen + weheartit
photo credit: Yellow Lounge US Recently I had the opportunity to attend the United States launch of Yellow Lounge. Yellow Lounge was launche...
ph: brianoldham I am a wildflower. It's been about a month or two now since we talked. Since we talked in our way. We still talk, but on...
I think its high time for a giveaway, don't you? I wanted to thank you all for your support since I started this blog, it has been overw...
Well, this is it! The last day of the Abstract Nail Art Challenge. Today, we were to recreate our favorite manicure from one of our fellow c...
If you follow the nail blog 365 Days of Color (and you should!) then you know that it's creator, Sunny, has recently come out with her ...
ph: weheartit
ph: Mario Leko So. Uhm.. How did we end up here? How could love be so intricate? Unobtainable? Complicated? This is our story. I met you thr...
As promised, I FINALLY have some new house pictures for you! I've found lately that I'm driving myself crazy thinking about every s...
Today, due to a rare and massive alignment of the planets.. Artsy Wednesday and the Abstract Nail Art Challenge have fallen on the same day!...
I have a lovely polish to show you today- Bikini So Teeny from Essie. What a cute, cheeky name for a polish! BST is a lovely pale cornflower...
ph: weheartit + weheartit
ph: leosellspills I don't think I've ever had a best friend before you. Maybe because all my best friends have been girls and now I...
This month, I signed up for the Bloom Beauty Ambassador program. sends out curated boxes of beauty goodies to a group of women ran...
Today's Abstract Nail Art Challenge was to combine two of the techniques featured in previous challenges. So, I chose to combine Dots an...
Are you ready for another edition of MUFFIN MONDAYS? Well here we go! I have 3 words for you: Chocolate. Chunk. Muffins. These babies are s...