OH ELLERY, THE HAIR. THE SHOULDERS. THE MEN IN GOLDEN MASKS. YOU ARE NUMERO UNO. I don’t know if it’s the flu I've somehow picked u...

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OH ELLERY, THE HAIR. THE SHOULDERS. THE MEN IN GOLDEN MASKS. YOU ARE NUMERO UNO. I don’t know if it’s the flu I've somehow picked u...
NICE WHIP BITCH I am currently in the process of buying a new set o’ wheels. As it stands I have two options. A teni tiny German than...
Hats, Cats & Chandeliers. Have a Hedi Slimane Kinda’ Day. THINGS TO DO TODAY: EMAILS//TEST DRIVE CARS//MAKE SURE MUM WENT TO YSL//S...
I cannot figure out how to make the photos bigger and have no patience to find out but I do know this- like all good things in life, Click...
The Cold Shoulder. An experiment that I’ ve been rolling with lately. Transforming (with the same grace as the transformers themselves) a...
Pretty Woman. No. Do not worry, I am not referring to myself but to the 90’s movie that made little girls all around the world want ...
Things I love about being a Blogger: First and foremost How unbelievably self indulgent this can be. Spend hours and hours infront...
If we were having cyber sex right now I’d say “19/F/SYD” But I’m not and you’re not and we’re not-Thank god as I am also “in a relationshi...